In continuation of events organized bythe Embassy of India, Beijing to celebrate the 147th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Embassy today organized a lecture at the Embassy auditorium to mark the International Day of Non-violence 2016.The lecture was delivered by Mrs Shobhana Radhakrishna, Chief Functionary, Gandhian Forum for Ethical Corporate Governance, New Delhi.
Mrs. Shobhana Radhakrishna is thefounder of Gandhian Forum for Ethical Corporate Governance. She has deliveredseveral lectures spreading Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology of universal peace,non-violence, humanism and leadership for the past three decades in India andabroad. In 2014 |
she delivered the key note address on Gandhian Ideology on NelsonMandela day and at the Tolstoy farm in Johannesburg, South Africa tocommemorate the 100th year of return of Mahatma Gandhi from the shoresof South Africa. She has delivered several such lectures in universities andother institutions in Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka and other countries. |
In her speech, Mrs. Radhakrishna stated that though Mahatma Gandhi never visited China, Gandhiji’s non-violentmovement has influenced many Chinese people over the years. As far back as 1906, around 1000 Chinese supporters joined Indians to take part in Gandhi’s first peaceful protest in Transvaal province, South Africa against a law that barred Asians from owning property. She noted that Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography ‘My Experiments with Truth’ is being translated into Chinese by the academics from SunYat-Sen University in Guangzhou, and that more than 50 books on Gandhi had been published in China since 1980
Mrs. Radhakrishna emphasized that Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology of non-violence and peace are positive forces through whichthe human race can move away from darkness towards light. The Mahatma’s thought sremain relevant in today’s world and his life is worth revisiting 147 years after he was born.
Over 80 Chinese students fromuniversities in and around Beijing attended the lecture in addition to membersof the Mission and the Indian Community.
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Centre for Gandhian and Indian Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai hosts inaugural lecture on Mahatma Gandhi (Oct 18, 2016) by Mrs. Shobhana Radhakrishna |
Consulate General of India, Shanghai along with Fudan University organized a keynote address on “Gandhian values are as relevant as ever” at the Fudan University earlier today. The event was held under the aegis of the Centre for Gandhian and Indian Studies (CGIS), which was inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi during his visit to Shanghai in May 2015. |
Shobhana Radhakrishna, Chief Functionary of Gandhian Forum for Ethical Corporate Governance, New Delhi and renowned Gandhian scholar delivered the keynote address to Fudan University students and emphasized that the core message of non-violence – Ahimsa – continued to be as relevant and universal in contemporary times as it was in the first half of 20th century. Prof. Zhou Yaming, Assistant President, Fudan University also graced the occasion and in his discussions with Mr. Prakash Gupta, Consul General agreed to institutionalize an annual lecture series on Mahatma Gandhi to be conducted under the aegis of CGIS, Fudan University. | |