Aims & Objective

The main aim of the SWYAA-India is to sustain the interest of the Ex-PYs of SWY from India so as to harness/enhance their skill/potential towards promotion of international understanding and mutual cooperation
To act as spokesperson of Ex-PYs of India with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and other ministries of Government of India, IYEO of Japan & coordination agency of Government of Japan, Embassy of Japan in India and SWYAA International
To take an active role in the Global Youth Networking Activities and encourage and assist the Ex-PYs to take up youth promotional activities in their state and region.
To organize exhibitions, seminars and training for youth & children. with regard to empowerment of youth & children. on National & International issues.
To assist / extend necessary cooperation to the ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India for selection of participants of SWY and other youth & children. programmes and to organize orientation training to such selected participants before they proceed for the same.
To assist / extend necessary cooperation in organizing port of call in India whenever the SWY delegates / ship visits India.
To select and recommend Ex-PYs for taking part in the reunion & international youth exchange programme of Govt. of Japan, which are meant for Ex-PYs.
To bring out publication, publicity material etc., projecting the activities of SWYAA – India and coordinate with Govt. of India, IYEO and Govt. of Japan. Develop, host and manage a website of SWYAA – India and promote and carry out awareness campaigns on social issues concerned to youth. & children.
To take up / carry out all such activities as decided by Government of India, IYEO and Government of Japan.
To act as a link between Ex-PYs and International Youth Exchange Organization and SWYAA of other countries and concerned Governments.
To propagate peace, non-violence, justice, equity, harmony among youth, preventive and curative health care services, HIV-AIDS, Reproductive Health, De-addiction, Family Welfare and activities with physically & mentally challenged persons. To undertake environmentally sustainable development and management of natural resources
.To take up programmes for socio-economic empowerment, capacity building, skill enhancement, education, poverty alleviation and income generation of youth. To undertake study, action research and strategic planning, advocacy for global issues concerning the above subjects.