Educational Support

SWYAA-India continued to teach in ten SWYAA open schools and educated 1050 underprivileged children in the age group of 4 to 14 years living in ten slum clusters in New Delhi. In the open schools children received educational inputs up to primary level as per the school syllabus.
As multi group and multi-level children were enrolled in the classes separate lesson plans for children of 4-6 years and for children in the age group 7 years and above. Younger children 4-6 years were taught to count, recite, identify and write numbers from 1-9 using simple activities like counting with beads, playing games, using the counting chart, writing on their slates. Education on health and hygiene was imparted using the kit provided by the Sesame Workshop India and flash cards, flip chart and picture mats were used. The monthly assessment plan included observing their ability to hear and recite what was taught.
In the remedial classes children studying in class 3rd and 5th were made to complete their homework using text books. They were able to recognizing and writing two, three and four letter words and writing their name. Children were given practice in counting and recognizing numbers from 1-50, carrying out addition and subtraction using three digits numbers and learn the tables from 2-10.